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文档标题:  Cinema 4D R20影视级科幻视效制作训练视频教程-Using MoGraph to Create Ant Man's Tech
发布时间:  2020-05-04 14:14:57
文档简介:  Cinema 4D R20影视级科幻视效制作训练视频教程-Using MoGraph to Create Ant Man's Tech Mp4 | 1.59 Gb Learn techniques Robyn Haddow used in creation of Fantasy User Interfaces (FUI) for Marvels Ant Man and the Wasp. Youll see how Robyn created loopable playback elements from an X-Particles Network, a MoGraph Cloner and PolyFX. Youll also see how she generates various spline, point, wireframe and fresnel passes using C4Ds Hair Renderer, Cel Renderer and Object Buffers. Then youll see how these passes combine with 3D data in After Effects to cr