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文档标题:  极品PS动作-溶解抽离(2020新版/含高清视频教程):Dissolve Photoshop Action(1 may 2020 update)
发布时间:  2020-05-08 12:58:48
文档简介:  极品PS动作-溶解抽离(2020新版/含高清视频教程):Dissolve Photoshop Action(1 may 2020 update) ATN,MP4 | 124.84 Mb Dissolve partsof your photo anddisperse liquid partsinto direction of your choice! Open your photo, simply brush over the areas that you want to dissolve, choose the direction of liquid parts dispersion (choose from 4 different directions: right, left, up and down) and just play the action. Its really that simple! Creating this advancedPhotoshop dispersion effecthas never been thiseasy and fun. The action will do all the work