2023-05-26 10:28:12 发表 / ⑤鍸醉亼 整理 18192 次浏览 / 评论 / 97 推荐
AI创意变形效果插件:FILTERiT 5.0.5(最新和谐版/支持CS6-CC 2019) What is FILTERiT? The latest version 5 is compatible with CC 2019. FILTERiT is a plug-in suite for Adobe Illustrator which features unique effects. FILTERiT can stimulate your creative mind. This versatile tool lets you create simple to complex images in a matter of seconds. Some effects are simply impossible to make without FILTERiT. With its easy-to-use features, creating astounding images ranging from simple to complex is at your fingertips...
2023-05-26 10:28:09 发表 / ⑤鍸醉亼 整理 27331 次浏览 / 评论 / 114 推荐
AI路径增强插件:Xtream Path 2.0.4(最新和谐版/支持CS6-CC 2019) Xtream Path 2 is a plug-in software for Adobe Illustrator. Drag, stretch, push and pull you can do a lot with paths using Xtream Path! You no longer have to be constrained to control points when editing paths. It allows you to drag anywhere on a path and edit only the exact location you want. Editing paths in Illustrator is much more flexible than ever before. There is no doubt you will have fun editing with Xtream Path. The latest version 2 is compatible with CC 2019...
2020-04-12 10:22:24 发表 / ⑤鍸醉亼 整理 57563 次浏览 / 评论 / 207 推荐
AI矢量字体创建插件面板(含win与mac版/激活码):Fontself Make fonts in Illustrator EXE,MP4,TXT,DMG | 28.81 Mb Fontself Maker brings font creation capabilities to Illustrator CC. You can now easily turn your own lettering into actual fonts: It's just SOOOO EASY: just drag drop any letter, icon or symbol to the Fontself Maker panel, and BOOOM, you've just created a font. Adjustkerning, create alternates and ligatures Export it asstandard vector OpenType .otf font filein one click and have fun with your new font...