2020-05-02 17:04:07 发表 / ⑤鍸醉亼 整理 10609 次浏览 / 评论 / 323 推荐
InDesign 2020基础核心训练视频教程(含工程源文件/英文字幕)-InDesign 2020 Essential Training 时长:5小时04分,大小:1.02 GB,MP4,作者:Randy De Witt,共73个章节,语言:英语 Adobe InDesign is the most important tool in publishing today. Its an essential for magazines, newspapers, print and ebook publishers, and freelance designers around the world. This course teaches the tools and techniques that make the 2020 version of this powerful page-layout application so fun and easy to use. Instructor David Blatner ge...
2020-05-02 16:27:11 发表 / ⑤鍸醉亼 整理 3495 次浏览 / 评论 / 342 推荐
InDesign交互式设计应用训练视频教程(英文字幕)-Design an Interactive Resume Portfolio 时长:3小时30分,大小:626.28 MB,MP4,作者:Randy De Witt,共11个章节,语言:英语 What youll learn Students will be able to create feature rich, interactive resumes and portfolios that include hyperlinks, navigation, galleries, video, and animation using Adobe InDesign. Students will be able to design interactive projects, export, test, and review finished products. Additionally, students will be able to email an interactive P...