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PS外挂滤镜:OnOne Perfect Photo Suite v9.5注册版

发布时间:2023-05-26 | 系统分类: | 文章来源:大师资源网

温馨提示:⑤鍸醉亼 发布的软件及教程仅供您测试与学习,软件商用请购买正版哦!


OnOne Perfect Photo Suite 9.5注册版下载,OnOne Software软件公司PS插件:Perfect Photo Suite 9滤镜套装下载,非常不错。(本站提供OnOne Software Perfect Photo Suite 9.5 keygen注册机)

OnOne Software Perfect Photo Suite 9.5注册版总体来说,缺少我最需要的软件智能抠图滤镜Perfect Mask 5,Onone公司将其用Perfect Layers 9代替,并且最郁闷的是没PS滤镜版本了,变成单独的桌面版。

OnOne Perfect Photo Suite 9.5注册版包含下面几个软件
Perfect Effects 9 有PS滤镜版本
Perfect Resize 9 有PS滤镜版本
Perfect Layers 9
Perfect Enhance 9 有PS滤镜版本
Perfect Browse 9
Perfect B&W 9 有PS滤镜版本
Perfect Portrait 9 有PS滤镜版本


OnOne软件公司,是一家专业摄影师图像作品解决方案的领先开发商,今天正式发布Perfect Photo Suite 6滤镜破解版。Perfect Photo Suite 6给摄影师提供直观的工作界面,和易用工具。Perfect Photo Suite 6提供下列滤镜解决方案,摄影效果提升,人像修饰,创造多层次的图像文件,抠图滤镜取代不想要的背景,无损图片放大,景深控制滤镜,以及图像边框效果滤镜 。

OnOne Perfect Photo Suite v9 是 onOne 所推出的 Adobe Photoshop, Photoshop Elements, Lightroom插件套装最新版本,包含 onOne 软件公司的多款专业级产品。onOne 软件公司为专业摄影师和平面设计师提供世界一流的软件解决方案。

OnOne Perfect Photo Suite Version 9.0 Premium ED

Create extraordinary images, inspire your creativity, and solve the most common photo problems with Perfect Photo Suite 9,a complete photo editor designed to bring your images to life and make them look their best. Work the way you want and perform editing tasks that are too
time-consuming in Adobe Photoshop, or impossible to do alone in Lightroom, Photoshop Elements, or Apple Aperture. You’ll have all that
you need to enhance, retouch and stylize images, replace backgrounds, and create high quality enlargements.

What’s New in Perfect Photo Suite 9:

Perfect Photo Suite 9 is packed full of new features! Now you can find, manage, and edit photos faster than ever!

More iNFO: -http://www.ononesoftware.com/products/suite9/ 官方网站

Perfect Photo Suite 9.5正式版滤镜套装产品所含内容:新功能官方介绍

  1. 完美特效滤镜Perfect Effects 正式版下载
    Perfect Effects 提供了更快和更强大的方式来创建影响图像的光的完美效果。Perfect Effects 3包括一个完整的专业摄影效果库,可以实时和全屏幕图像预览,使图像被应用于完美的光效果,现在Perfect Effects 3包括了更多的手动控制和混合选项,提供更多的控制效果让你如何结合Perfect Effects 3来应用。
  2. 人像滤镜Perfect Portrait 正式版下载
    人像滤镜Perfect Portrait 是一个全新滤镜,Perfect Portrait 1为修饰人像的摄影师提供一个最新创新。人像修饰常常是最耗时的任务,已在自动完美人像摄影师现在可以专注于肖像创作。Perfect Portrait自动修饰图像中发现的面孔,眼睛和嘴巴,让摄影师可以直接修饰和增强图像。改善皮肤的纹理和色彩,消除瑕疵和加强一样的眼睛,嘴唇和牙齿 的功能也从来没有这么容易。
  3. 图层滤镜Perfect Layers 正式版下载
    Perfect Layers 2是摄影师无尽的创意相结合的照片工具。Perfect Layers 2可以创建和编辑多图层的文件,直接从Lightroom和Aperture,或作为一个独立的Perfect Layers 2应用程序。完美的图层文件保存PSD文件格式,可以在Photoshop和Photoshop Elements编辑。Perfect Layers 2是的核心部分。
  4. 新一代智能抠图滤镜Perfect Mask 正式版下载 (Mask Pro 4升级版软件)
    Perfect Mask 5是一款精准的抠图解决方案,可以说是目前最智能的去背软件之一,具体功能有:让你的去背效果可以达到最佳化,精准的遮罩功能,智慧笔刷以及魔术棒,无限 的 Undo/Redo 功能;另外在 MaskPro 之中还有提供相当多的工具如魔术笔刷以及路径工具,所以你不用担心因为工具过少作不出好的遮罩来将影像去背,因为这些工具再加上先前所提到的选色工具绝对 可以帮你作出完美的遮罩,让你的作品达到专业的水准。
  5. 图片无损放大软件Perfect Resize 正式版下载
    Perfect Resize 是Genuine Fractals开发的一款无损图像放大滤镜, 真正的提供图像大小调整的行业标准,Perfect Resize 7拥有跨摄影和印刷业的能力,通常预期能提高图像大小不超过1000%的清晰度或细节损失。Perfect Resize 7的专利技术,基于分形插值算法的工作没有别的一样,结果不言自明。
  6. 景深滤镜FocalPoint 正式版下载
    FocalPoint 是 Photoshop 柔化景深滤镜,Photoshop 焦点控制插件。摄影当中有时候想要进行选择性的聚焦,有许多技术可以实现这一点,比如说平面的重点,或是对局部进行模糊处理等等。最常见的方法是控制景 深,在相机上采用大口径的镜头,调节出一个狭长的景深来,也可以实现焦点控制。而在 Photoshop 平面处理当中则需要采用更多的技巧来实现。现在这个插件 FocalPoint 就能帮助你轻松实现这个目的。

Create extraordinary images, inspire your creativity, and solve the most common photo problems with Perfect Photo Suite 8—a complete photo editor designed to bring your images to life and make them look their best. Work the way you want and perform editing tasks that are too time-consuming in Adobe® Photoshop®, or impossible to do alone in Lightroom®, Photoshop Elements, or Apple® Aperture®. You’ll have all that you need to enhance, retouch and stylize images, replace backgrounds, and create high quality enlargements.
Designed for Any Image and Every Photographer
Perfect Photo Suite is designed for every photographer, whether you are an avid enthusiast, a working professional, or someone in between. Use it to add subtle to striking enhancements to your images, develop your personal style, boost your productivity in your existing workflow, or immerse yourself in spontaneous creativity. For any moment, for every need—Perfect Photo Suite is built for you.
Make your images extraordinary with the best effects available today. Customizable filters and hundreds of built-in presets inspire your creativity and give you ultimate control to create effects that make your images look their best.
Apply the basic adjustments that almost every image needs to go from good to great. You’ll find tools to improve color, tone, and detail, and brushes for spot healing, cloning, and removing objects with content-aware fill technology.
Focus on the art of portrait creation because the most time consuming retouching tasks are automated in the Portrait module. Improve skin texture and color, remove blemishes, and enhance eyes and mouths to create flawless portraits.
The Resize module gives you everything you need to prepare your images for print. Powered by Genuine Fractals technology, you’ll maintain total clarity and sharpness of your image for your enlargements—even for snapshots taken with a mobile device.
Develop stunning images that recreate the timeless look of black and white master photographers. Use a library of expertly-crafted presets for instant results or powerful, darkroom-inspired controls for you own custom look.
Quickly get to your images wherever they’re stored—whether they’re on your computer, network, or on a cloud-based storage service. Find the exact image you want by previewing them side-by-side and navigating through them with intuitive keyboard shortcuts.
Combine and blend images without Adobe Photoshop. With layers, you have the power to swap faces, create balanced exposures, retouch portraits and landscapes, create layouts and composites, and more!
Create high-quality masks with state-of-the-art tools that help you select subjects and isolate backgrounds for removal—even around hair and trees and through glass and veils.

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