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11组既个性又艺术的海报/传单模板:Electro Flyers Bundle + FB Covers

发布时间:2015-08-21 | 系统分类: | 文章来源:大师资源网

温馨提示:⑤鍸醉亼 发布的资源仅供您参考与学习,请勿商用哦!

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Electro Flyers Bundle + FB Covers,11组既个性又艺术的海报/传单模板
Electro Flyers Bundle + FB Covers,11组既个性又艺术的海报/传单模板
Photoshop PSD | Print Dimensions 8.5×11 | 589.31 Mb

Do you need an Extended License for this product ? We now offer Extended Licenses at a low price! Read more about it! https://creativemarket.com/Zeppelin_Graphics/273279-Zeppelin-Graphics-Extended-License

We are proud to present you our Electro Flyers Bundle special offer! This bundle includes 11 electro/house flyer designs with multiple color versions included and all with matching facebook covers included at no additional cost!
The regular price of the flyers is 66$, 6$ beeing the most common price used for a flyer/poster template and with this offer you are getting a 78% discount!
These templates are very easy to customise! All of the elements are isolated on different layers and the text is fully editable for each flyer and facebook cover. So you can use the fonts we suggest or use your own if you wish!
All of the flyers are print ready! at 300dpi and CMYK color mode with a size of 8.5x11 inches + 0.25 inches bleed. When you will open the templates you will find very well organised, named and color coordinated groups and layers.

Important notes - Please Read!
  • After your purchase you will download a text file that contains a link from where you can download the files. The files are hosted on our Dropbox account and it's a simple 1 click download. The reason for this is because the total size of the bundle is bigger than the 500mb upload limit Creative Market has. After your purchase you will download a text file with 1 link in it. Use the links in your web browser and download 1 archive with a size of 600+mb.
  • All of the fonts used are free or free for personal use. The download links are in the help files included.

  • PSD Files
  • 11 Flyer designs
  • Most flyer designs have 2 color versions included
  • 15+ Facebook covers included
  • Print ready
  • Fully layered
  • Well organised and named
  • 300dpi
  • CMYK
  • 8.5×11 inches print size
  • 9x11.5 inches with bleed - 0.25 inches bleed
  • Editable text
  • Help files included + font links

We offer great support! So for any questions you might have or issues with opening or downloading the item please don't hesitate to contact us! We will do our best to reply as fast as possible and help as best as we can!

文件需消费 110 金币,确认消费再点下载(1元=10金币)
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    1、Donate $200 through the PayPal platform, will give away a lifetime membership account. After donating, please send a screenshot to the email address of the webmaster (251633007@qq.com or lgq820304@yahoo.com), and the webmaster will reply after confirmation.
    2、Lifetime VIP members can directly view the download addresses and hidden articles of all VIP resources on this site without gold coins!


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