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咖啡品牌形象视觉识别模型大合集:Coffee Branding & Packages Mock Up

发布时间:2015-08-24 | 系统分类: | 文章来源:大师资源网

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Coffee Branding & Packages Mock Up,咖啡品牌形象视觉识别模型大合集
Coffee Branding & Packages Mock Up,咖啡品牌形象视觉识别模型大合集
Photoshop PSD | 548.16 Mb (解压后1.33 Gb)

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We think, many of graphic designers or web designers loves to create contents for a coffee / restaurant company. It is really funny to see your designs on a cup of coffee or on any food pack. All of the people eating, drinking and enjoying from inside of the packages that created by you. And also all of coffee companies doing their best to attract customer to their brands.
For a designer, package design is more important than the flavor. So in fact this is valid for other people too. In this case we wanted to create a comprehensive mock up pack for who is creating showcases for coffee / restaurant companies. Included tons of photos and customizable mock ups. And also included some of photo mock ups. All you need for an unique presentation. Really affordable price and comprehensive content.

18 Photo Mock Ups
We’ve taken some photos with same items in this pack. Some of them like a packshot and some of them for showing your designs more effective. You can change ground or wall textures. Also there is a pre made light setup in every photo mockup.
12 Do It Yourself Premade Psd Scenes
We’ve created some pre made PSD files with just drag and drop. If you are lazy or have no time to setup a scene with tons of elements, we’ve made it for you. For sure you can move, rotate or scale items as you want. Also you will get 17 different and high quality textures to use as ground. You can also you these textures in photo mock ups.
78 Eye-Grabbing Packaging Made From Paper
Coffee roaster packs, organic tea packs, paper coffee cups, flour packs, little sugar packs, teabags, ice cream and yogurt packs, chocolate packs, bread and rusk packs, pizza and pasta packs and many packages that made from packs. Craft, white and black based and fully customizable. You can change base color, label designs.
31 Sweet And Delicious Jam, Jar, Bottles And Sauce Packs
Many different materials and sizes. Metal or glass packs, coke cans, some plastic drink packs, sauce and jar packs, hand made organic products packs. All of them delicious and easy to customize according to your brand.
32 Empty Paper Bags
Craft, white and black bags. Many different sizes and suits great with other items. Includes paper and cloth bags.
65 Stationery Items For Your Brand
This file is not for only package designers. Also we’ve included stationery items. Business cards, A4 letterhead, A5 paper, greeting card, paper pad for menu designs, notepads for waiters, envelopes, pen and pencils, brand new Apple Macbook with all color options and iPhone 6 with all color options.
94 Kithenwares For Your Table
Many different sizes and materials. Plates,vase, porcelain cups, spice jars, kettles, chopping boards, pans and pots, cases and many more different items. Some of them customizable and you can replace your designs on to them.
23 Plants In Different Flowerpots
You can not imagine a table without a plant. And all of them edible. Thyme, parsley, mint, green onion and some additional plant for your scenes.
55 Tasty Snacks And Foods
We’ve included many different edible items in this pack. Pizza, breads, croissant, hamburger, cake, macarone, chocolate bars, donuts, coffee beans, egg and many delicious items. Unfortunately you can only drag and drop into your scene, you can not eat.

Because of Creativemarket file size limits, you need to download some parts from our own servers. A PDF included in file for these links.

We've used this awesome icons for preview mock ups ; http://crtv.mk/d06bs by Creative Stall. You will not get these designs on any surfaces. You will get blank designs.

文件需消费 350 金币,确认消费再点下载(1元=10金币)
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