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3000多个矢量图标大合集(105种类别):HAMSTER Round Icons Library

发布时间:2015-12-15 | 系统分类: | 文章来源:大师资源网

温馨提示:⑤鍸醉亼 发布的资源仅供您参考与学习,请勿商用哦!

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HAMSTER Round Icons Library,3000多个矢量图标大合集(105种类别)
HAMSTER Round Icons Library,3000多个矢量图标大合集(105种类别)
EPS, JPG | 25.90 Mb

Inside this pack you will find the following 105 categories:

1 veterinary
2 agriculture
3 fashion
4 shopping
5 delivery
6 sea
7 medicine
8 business
9 technology
10 navigation
11 tourism
12 football / Soccer
13 Halloween
14 Ramadan
15 education
16 restaurant
17 casino
18 game
19 autumn
20 merry christmas
21 ecology
22 construction
23 office
24 family
25 transport
26 Valentine's Day
27 cinema
28 easter
29 jurisprudence
30 crime
31 professions
32 Diet
33 Invention
34 3d printer
35 hipster
36 music
37 hygiene
38 programming
39 E-Money
40 social network
41 United Arab Emirates
42 Dubai
43 Spain
44 Barcelona
45 Singapore
46 oil and gas
47 barbershop
49 stomatology
50 mammals
51 jewelry
52 luxury
53 pizza
54 milk
55 idea
56 birthday
57 sport
58 coffee
59 news
60 sushi
61 fast food
62 tavern
63 store
64 organisms
65 marine animals
66 wind
67 water sports
68 city
69 smart glasses
70 Home appliances
71 chemistry
72 donation
73 selfie
74 Hotel
75 care of the disabled
76 fire weapon
77 cold steel arms
78 war
79 orthopedics
80 cleaning
81 military equipment
82 security
83 terrorism
84 revolution
85 distance education
86 Egypt
87 insects
88 birds
89 surfing
90 America
91 circus
92 China
93 yoga
94 Miami
95 France
96 Mexico
97 animals hipsters
98 boxing
99 BBQ
100 wedding
101 South Korea
102 North Korea
103 knight and war
104 fishing
105 sale

Fully editable vector file saved as EPS10 (for image editing - use the Adobe Illustrator program).
In .eps file is expanded.

Each category contains:

1 vector file (10EPS);
1 JPEG for preview;

We are constantly working to increase the number of categories in this beautiful icon collection.

文件需消费 150 金币,确认消费再点下载(1元=10金币)
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  • 提取码:vyp4

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