极品PS动作-刀光剑影:Epic Photoshop Action
发布时间:2016-03-11 | 系统分类: | 文章来源:大师资源网 温馨提示:⑤鍸醉亼 发布的资源仅供您参考与学习,请勿商用哦! |
Epic Photoshop Action,极品PS动作-刀光剑影
Photoshop ATN | 6.79 Mb
Epic Photoshop Action – this effect turns your photo into a super epic composition. A lot of smoke and light create a cinematic effect. You can change the color of smoke, background, particles, lighting your subject and more. Jump from a simple photo to incredible composition in a few clicks!
How to configure Photoshop to work with actions.
1. Make sure you are using the English version of Photoshop. Each action has been created and optimized to work only with the English version of Photoshop, so please make sure that you are using this version. If not, don’t worry: you can change the language of your version of Photoshop to English (and switch back again) using this method
By the way, my best selling Double Exposure Action has recently been updated, and you can now use it with the English, German, French, Italian and Spanish versions of Photoshop.
2. Use the RGB Mode and 8 Bits color. To check these settings, go to Image->Mode and check the “RGB color” and “8 Bits/Channel”.
3. Make sure that the option “Add ‘copy’ to Copied Layers and Groups” is turned on. This option applies only to CS5 and later versions of Photoshop. On the “LAYERS” panel, click on the menu icon, go to “Panel Options…”, and check that the “Add ‘copy’ to Copied Layers and Groups” is turned on.
4. Use a photo with 72dpi or higher. If you are using a photo with less than 72dpi, the action will not function correctly. To fix this, go to Image->Image Size and increase the resolution value.
5. Set the Opacity of brush to 100%. Set the Opacity of the brush to 100%. Select the “Brush Tool” and move the opacity slider to 100%.
How to combine my actions?
1. Open your photo
2. Play the first action
3. Save the result as an image
4. Open the previously saved image
5. Play the second action
直接拷贝文件到PS安装目录下的预设文件夹下的动作文件夹里。比如站长的安装目录是C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC 2015\Presets\Actions,关键是先找到软件的安装目录!
3、请用winrar 5.01及以上版本解压本站的资源。否则低版本的及其它解压缩软件可能会解压出错。
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