极品PS拓展面板-极速对称绘画(11月7日添加3集高清视频教程):AD Brutus Symmetry (PS CC+ Panel)
发布时间:2016-11-07 | 系统分类: | 文章来源:大师资源网 温馨提示:⑤鍸醉亼 发布的资源仅供您参考与学习,请勿商用哦! |
AD Brutus Symmetry (PS CC+ Panel),极品PS拓展面板(11月7日添加3集高清视频教程)-极速对称绘画
Photoshop ZXP, PNG | 97.98 Mb
AD Brutus Symmetry is a Photoshop CC & CC 2014 & CC 2015 Panel that provides tools to work with -almost- realtime symmetry.
Brutus is Adictive! Awesome for Character design! Fantastic for Brainstorming!
Until Adobe makes Photoshop realtime symmetry possible this tools are the closer approach you could have. It basically uses Photoshop guides (vertical and horizontal) as Axis for the symmetry, but it’s not limited to guides, it also works with selections and for fastest use we can assign shorcuts to the main functions.
Brutus is a great companion for your artist toolbox!
Please, Watch it in action…
Brutus also includes another fantastic technique to draw or paint with symmetry in Photoshop, in this case the symmetry is generated with mirrored smart layers that are set up for you with one click.
While working with Brutus you can use the last two buttons to save your active layer as a PNG or to save the whole merged file as PNG, no dialogues, no distraction… one click and you have a high quality screenshot of your artwork saved in a folder and including date and hour with the name. If the document is an unsaved PSD the screenshots are saved in a new folder on your Desktop, if you're working on a saved PSD the screenshots will be saved in a folder beside that PSD.
As someone said:
"If Hermann Rorschach were still alive he would surely be using ‘Brutus’ to perform his tests!"
The download includes a .ZIP file (approx. 3,2 Mb.) containing:
– a Manual / Help file (PDF - 2,5 Mb.)
– a .ZXP file containing the panel for PS CC, CC 2014 and CC 2015.
– a TXT file with installation instructions & license info for each installer.
温馨提示:Adobe Photoshop CC 2014 & 2015的安装不能使用Adobe Extension Manager,否则软件不能正常显示该拓展面板,需要使用ZXPInstaller软件进行安装,下面会提供下载地址,下载完后安装到电脑上,打开软件,直接把ZXP文件拖到软件的界面中间,软件会自动安装,安装完后从PS软件窗口->拓展功能里调用。
ZXPInstaller软件下载地址:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1geKiXjH 提取密码:a492
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