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WordPress博客模板:Healthy Living Fresh Blogging Theme

发布时间:2014-11-16 | 系统分类: | 文章来源:大师资源网

温馨提示:⑤鍸醉亼 发布的资源仅供您参考与学习,请勿商用哦!

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Healthy Living-Fresh Blogging Theme
WordPress Theme | 9.22 Mb

Healthy Living is fresh, simple and well rounded blogging WP theme. With it's laid back modern design and beautiful typography this theme gives your content deserved spotlight and draws the readers right in. It is fully responsive and includes different page templates, post formats and custom header image to expand the customizing options.

It is an easy to use theme with responsive layout that looks great on any device, big or small. It is compatible with Major Browsers, Smartphones and Tablet's.

WPML Compatibility
WPML makes it easy to build multilingual sites and run them. It’s powerful enough for corporate sites, yet simple for blogs.

Theme features "Jetpack" plugin for WordPress that supercharge your website with the features so far only available for WordPress.com. Special Jetpack feature we used is "Jetpack Widget Visibility" that allows you to have different sidebar content on different pages using the same sidebar. This gives you a great amount of creative freedom!

It features the "WooCommerce" plugin that is styled to visually fit the theme as shown in the live preview.

Soliloquy Slider
Included with the theme is a full version of the amazing Soliloquy Slider. This slider can be used within pages, posts and widgets and has many different options to choose from!

Change colors from Customizer using Color Picker
Inside the Customizer you'll be able to change color of the green color elements as well as the background color. If you need more color customization you are able to use Jetpack Edit Css or a child theme.

If you would like to change theme fonts there is a great FREE plugin we recommend : Easy Google Fonts . This plugin allows you to change Fonts from within the customizer.

Post Formats
This theme uses WordPress feature called "Post Formats". Using "Post Formats" feature posts can be styled differently and independently of each other. If you want to make your blog post more flexible you can use different kinds of post formats such as image, video or quotes.

Introducing WordPress Theme Customizer
Theme Customization screen (i.e. "Theme Customizer") allows site admins to tweak theme's settings and see the preview of those changes in a real time.
You'll be able to upload your header image as a logo or to change the site title and tagline, colors and more.

WordPress Theme Customizer
Responsive Design
Many Different page templates
Post Formats
Jetpack Widget Visibility - this awesome feature allows you to choose on which page your particular widget appears or dissapears
Theme is styled for "WooCommerce" plugin
Soliloquy slider plugin
Widgetize footer and different widgetized sidebars
2 Custom menus - menu and socials
.po and .mo files included

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