极品PS渐变-5000多款渐变大合集(包括皮肤/天空/自然/海洋等):5000+ Photoshop Gradients for Designers
发布时间:2016-11-01 | 系统分类: | 文章来源:大师资源网 温馨提示:⑤鍸醉亼 发布的资源仅供您参考与学习,请勿商用哦! |
5000+ Photoshop Gradients for Designers,极品PS渐变-5000多款渐变大合集(包括皮肤/天空/自然/海洋等)
Photoshop GRD | 35 Sets | 119 KB
Gradients are commonly used in web and graphic design. Having a large collection of gradients already prepared will allow you to try new gradients quickly, speeding up your design process. Of course, there will be times when you want to create your own gradients, but for other situations a library of presets can be an effective tool. In this post we Will showcase 35 sets of gradients that are being offered by various designers. If you see something you like, click through to the source where you’ll be able to download them.
-GradientPack - Skies
-208 Gradient Varieties
-98 Gradient Varieties
-400 Gradient Varieties
-Nature's Beauty Gradient
-43 Gradient Varieties
-66 Gradient Varieties
-88 Gradient Varieties
-51 Gradient Varieties
-Sky Gradients
-JJ's Gradients-1 Skin Tones
-Ocean Breeze Ps Gradients
-75 Photoshop Gradients
-Landscape Ps Gradients
-Apple Gradients
-Dooffy gradients set002DC
-Dooffy gradients set001DC
-75 Modern Photoshop Gradients
-iPhone Gradation Set
-Vintage Gradients
-156 Web 2.0 Gradients for Photoshop
-The Ultimate Gradients Pack #1
-The Ultimate Gradients Pack #2
-The Ultimate Gradients Pack #3
-The Ultimate Gradients Pack #4
-The Ultimate Gradients Pack #5
-The Ultimate Gradients Pack #6
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