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极品PS动作-粉尘散离(含高清视频教程):Dust Explosion Caos Effect

发布时间:2017-04-18 | 系统分类: | 文章来源:大师资源网

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Dust Explosion Caos Effect,极品PS动作-粉尘散离(含高清视频教程)
Dust Explosion Caos Effect,极品PS动作-粉尘散离(含高清视频教程)
ATN, ABR | 25.96 mb

How about save hours of work and get this beautiful effect in MINUTES? Create highly detailed design effects from your photos with no effort at all. Designed to save you a huge amount of time and work per photo.

Bring your images a new perspective with Dust Explosion Caos Effect, lots of options, and REALY easy to use! It’s quick, simple and amazingly effective.

Images used in the previews are not included

How to configure Photoshop to work with actions.

Make sure you are using the English version of Photoshop. Each action has been created and optimized to work only with the English version of Photoshop.

Use the RGB Mode and 8 Bits color. To check these settings, go to Image-Mode and check the “RGB color” and “8 Bits/Channel”.

Make sure that the option “Add ‘copy’ to Copied Layers and Groups” is turned on. This option applies only to CS5 and later versions of Photoshop. On the “LAYERS” panel, click on the menu icon, go to “Panel Options…”, and check that the “Add ‘copy’ to Copied Layers and Groups” is turned on.

Set the Opacity of brush to 100%. Set the Opacity of the brush to 100%. Select the “Brush Tool” and move the opacity slider to 100%.

Ready to go. Tips & Help

There is a HELP file inside this pack, it cover the basics of the action, and show some ideias to you experiment yourself!


Each action is thoroughly tested across between 50 – 150 different photos to ensure there are no errors. In the case where you do experience an error, please firstly visit the help page and then contact me via message if you are still having troubles.

The Best Results

For the best results, it is recommended to use high resolution photos in the range of 1500px – 3500px. The optimal range is from 2500px – 3500px. The detail and clarity in the effects generated by the actions reduce the smaller your photo is.


After each action has finished playing, it creates a organised layer structure, labeled, masked and colored. Each layer and folder named appropriately and color coded to create a neat working environment for you.

Time Saving

Mockupspace Photoshop Actions are created in a way that both Photoshop beginners and experts can use, saving you lots of time working on both personal or commercial projects.

Earn Money

What about refer people through your social media pages to this action or another other Mockupspace products and make money?! Make sure to sign up as an affiliate so you can add your referral code to any link you post!

Share your creativity!

Created something awesome with Mockupspace Actions? Share your designs on the Mockupspace Facebook page, inspire others to apply the effects in ways they may not have thought of.

How do I combine actions?

Run the first action on your photo. Once you are happy with the design, save your image out. Now re-open your image and run another action!

You can then use the 2nd actions layer flexibility to further customize the design. You can follow this process and stack effects to build incredibly detailed designs with very little work.


1、直接拷贝文件到PS安装目录下的预设文件夹下的动作文件夹里。比如站长的安装目录是C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC 2017


文件需消费 150 金币,确认消费再点下载(1元=10金币)
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    3、请用winrar 5.01及以上版本解压本站的资源。否则低版本的及其它解压缩软件可能会解压出错。




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