极品PS拓展面板-画中画(含PDF图文教程):PhotoMosaic Generator - Photoshop Extension
发布时间:2019-06-03 | 系统分类: | 文章来源:大师资源网 温馨提示:⑤鍸醉亼 发布的资源仅供您参考与学习,请勿商用哦! |
极品PS拓展面板-画中画(含PDF图文教程):PhotoMosaic Generator - Photoshop Extension
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PhotoMosaic Generator is a Photoshop extension which creates real photographic mosaics – many pictures (textures) are arranged and resized so they resemble another picture. It is a form of photo collage.
What is a real photographic mosaic? It is a mosaic where the main image is constructed only out of smaller images (textures). Fake mosaics have the main image blended over a grid of textures.
Creating a real photographic mosaic manually is an extremely laborious task even for the professionals: the scene must be deconstructed into a matrix of areas (squares or “cells”) with higher and lower detail – areas of higher detail will need to display many more images(textures) but smaller, than areas of lower detail.
Each cell of the matrix (could be thousands or tens of thousands) must be filled with the most similar texture (out of a collection of textures). If the best suited texture available is not a perfect match in terms of colors/brightness, it must be adjusted.
PhotoMosaic Generator does all these automatically.
This extension requires Photoshop CC 2015.5 and Oil Paint Filter available (present by default).
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