极品PS扩展面板-下雨特效(含高清视频教程):RainFX - Photoshop Extension
发布时间:2020-02-21 | 系统分类: | 文章来源:大师资源网 温馨提示:⑤鍸醉亼 发布的资源仅供您参考与学习,请勿商用哦! |
极品PS扩展面板-下雨特效(含高清视频教程):RainFX - Photoshop Extension
ZXP,MP4 | 13.58 Mb
Photoshop extension for creating rain effects. Variate angle, density, speed, wind strength, levels of rain to get the desired look.
Create rain effects with ease. Tweak the parameters to get the perfect result. RainFX is intuitive, fast and enjoyable to use.
Just press "Let it rain" button and lean back.
Panel UI Controls:
Angle: the angle of the rain.
Density: the density of the rain. Combine this with speed.
Speed: the speed of the rain. Motion blur of the rain.
Wind strength: the wind effect on the rain. The higher the number more wind is blowing and rain gets more scattered.
Levels of rain: add depth to the rain effect by adding more levels of rain.
"Auto update" option gives you an interactive approach to creating the rain effect. With each parameter change the rain automatically updates.
"Merge group" option merges current rain effect parameters into one layer so you can for example create more variation by changing the parameters and then merging the group.
Bonus tip: If "Merge group" option is not enabled every layer inside "rain_FX" group can be turned on and off so you can tweak the result even further and therefore achieve the look you want.
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