极品PS动作-故障海报创作(含高清视频教程):Glitch Poster Maker Photoshop Action
发布时间:2020-04-15 | 系统分类: | 文章来源:大师资源网 温馨提示:⑤鍸醉亼 发布的资源仅供您参考与学习,请勿商用哦! |
极品PS动作-故障海报创作(含高清视频教程):Glitch Poster Maker Photoshop Action
ATN,ABR,PAT,MP4,PDF | 68.54 Mb
Glitch Poster Maker Contains:
05 Glitch Effects
100% Editable Colors
+10 Colors FX
02 Glitch Texts
03 Editable Shapes Colors
05 Colors FX
& More Editable Elements
NOTE: Your final result depends on your photo and your final editing, just make a perfect mask and make a good text and you’ll get a perfect result, also don’t miss to watch the video tutorial above.
Before use Glitch Poster Maker:
Make Sure Your Minimum Photoshop Version’s CS4
Make Sure Your Color Mode’s RGB.
Make Sure Your Channel Bit’s 8 bits/channel.
Make Sure Your Photoshop Language’s English.
How To use Glitch Poster Maker:
Open Your Image Inside Your Photoshop.
Create a New Empty Layer & Name it “object”.
Select Your Soft Brush Tool & Brush on Your Object With Any Color.
Open The Action Folder, Choose The Action Start Glitch Poster Maker and Play it
Follow The Instructions Inside The Processing.
For Best Result Use a Photo With High Dimension (Minimum Width Size’s 3000px). For Best Result Use a Portrait Photo or a Photo With a close-up object. For Best Result Make Your Object in The Midle of Your Document.
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