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色彩应用基础视频教程(中文字幕)-Graphic Design Foundations:Color

发布时间:2020-05-08 | 系统分类: | 文章来源:大师资源网

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色彩应用基础视频教程(中文字幕)-Graphic Design Foundations:Color

片长:1小时57分,大小:1.23 GB,格式:MP4,章节:9个章节,作者:Mary Jane Begin


色彩是我们生活中的一项基础元素。学习在不同的情境中使用色彩进行视觉传达对于设计师和艺术家来说是基本技能。本教程中我们将要学习如何使用色彩,不仅仅是进行更加高效的设计,而且要传达故事情节。插画师、讲师和作者Mary Jane首先为我们讲解色彩如何影响品牌形象,如何影响观众的情绪,如何引导观众将注意力放在兴趣点上,以及如何连接图像或者制作元素之间的空间。她为我们揭开色轮和色彩关系的神秘面纱;为我们展示分层放置、混合,以及数字修改色彩;使用灯光整合色温、不透明度和对比度。


章节内容:00 介绍
00-01 欢迎
00-02 传统
00-03 练习文件
01 色彩形状的意义
01-01 意义
01-02 象征
01-03 概念
01-04 品牌
01-05 序列
02 色轮
02-01 色轮
02-02 原色
02-03 合成色彩
02-04 第三色
03 色彩的元素
03-01 元素
03-02 颜色值
03-03 饱和度
03-04 色温
03-05 纹理
03-06 不透明度
04 对比度
04-01 对比度
04-02 焦点
04-03 目前可读
04-04 连接
05 色彩和灯光
05-01 照明
05-02 对比度
05-03 颜色值
05-04 色温
05-05 互补色
05-06 次级色彩
05-07 RGB和CMYK色彩
06 调色板
06-01 调色板
06-02 限制
06-03 协调
06-04 基础
06-05 釉彩
06-06 制图
07 色彩形状、纹理和背景
07-01 平衡
07-02 色织布
07-03 背景
07-04 色盲
07-05 挑战
07-06 解决方案
08 下一步
08-01 下一步


Color is a fundamental element of our lives. Understanding how to use it for visual communication in a variety of contexts is essential for designers and artists. This course is about learning how to use color, not only to create more effective designs, but also to tell a story. Illustrator, professor, and author Mary Jane Begin explains how color intertwines with brand identity, how it affects the mood of a piece and directs the viewer's attention to areas of interest, and how it can connect images or create space between elements. She removes the mystery surrounding the color wheel and color relationships; shows how to layer, mix, and digitally alter color; and use light to integrate temperature, translucency, and contrast.

These lessons are applicable to a number of fields, including graphic design, photography, and illustration, and both traditional and digital media. Dive in and get a fresh look at color that is sure to revitalize your creativity and your work.

Topics include:
  • Understanding why color is essential for you as an artist, designer, or human being
  • Storytelling with color
  • Understanding brand identity and color language
  • Reviewing the history of color usage, from print to digital
  • Working with the color wheel
  • Understanding value, saturation, and temperature
  • Seeing through color: opaque, translucent, and transparent
  • Creating contrast
  • Exploring depth of field
  • Seeing complementary relationships in light
  • Achieving harmony and discord in a palette
  • Understanding color blindness

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