巴西风格传单模板:Capoeira Flyer Template
发布时间:2015-01-20 | 系统分类: | 文章来源:大师资源网 温馨提示:⑤鍸醉亼 发布的资源仅供您参考与学习,请勿商用哦! |
Capoeira Flyer Template,巴西风格传单模板,酒吧迪吧传单,海报模板
Photoshop PSD | Print Dimensions 8.5×11.9 | 151.51 Mb
This flyer is also available in a Bundle. Grab it and save 45% !
– Facebook cover included
– 2 Photoshop .psd file
– A4 size (21×29.7 cm) or (8.3×11.7 inch) with bleed (21.5×30.2 cm) or (8.5×11.9 inch)
– Print Ready (CMYK, 300 DPI, bleed)
– Layers are labeled, color coded and organized in groups for easy navigation.
- Model is not included. Link in the help file.
Free Fonts used:
- Franchise: http://www.fontsquirrel.com/fonts/Franchise
- Century Gothic: http://www.fonts.com/font/monotype/century-gothic
General tips for editing the flyer's general text, Model and title :
Text: All the text is editable just by simply double-clicking on the text's layer in photoshop,and just typing in your desired information.
Model Replacement: Find the layer "Replace model here", place your model on the new opened window and save.
BONUS: 1 Flyer Template of your choice from ThatsDesignStore Portfolio for FREE! ( Details in the Creative Market's receipt mail for your purchase)
Don't miss out this amazing deal! Click "Buy Now" !
If you have some requests or questions, do not hesitate to drop us a message. We' ll be happy to help you.
(Please have in mind that we may have a different Time Zone. But be sure we'll answer any question as soon as seen. We always do).
Have a nice day!
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